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How to Grow Currants, Grow currants in Containers | Enhanced Garden&Life

Updated: Aug 15, 2022



Currants are a small, round berry that is often used in recipes. They have an acidic taste and can be made into jams or jellies. There are many health benefits to currants including their antioxidant properties! We will cover how to grow currants in this post, how much sunlight they require, the container size needed for growing them indoors, the soil type needed, and more.

How to Choose the Pot Needed for Currants

To make drainage easier, you should use a pot that is 18 inches wide and 12 inches deep with holes in the bottom to allow water to drain out easily from each pot. A pot that is too shallow will not have enough room for the roots of the currant bush. The container needs enough room to accommodate the root ball when planted. A currant bush will need about one gallon of soil per inch in diameter. For example, if your root ball measures four inches across then it would require six gallons of soil.

In order for roots to grow adequately, they need plenty of oxygen. This is why drainage holes in the bottom of a pot are so important. The more air that can reach the roots, the better they will do.

The best material for a pot is ceramic, plastic, or terra cotta.

Sunlight Requirements

Currants are semi-evergreen vine and need at least five hours of sunlight per day. The plant needs enough light so that it can grow properly in order to produce the berries. If you take away too much sun from these plants, they will start to have problems growing properly or producing many berries.

Taking care of your currant bush is easy if you remember how this plant likes its environment - sunny!

Water Requirements

Watering requirements for currants are minimal. Your currant plant should only be watered if the soil is dry. You should water when the soil is dry about an inch down. If it's wet and moist, then they don't need any more water until their next scheduled watering.

Type of Soil Needed

The soil needs to be well-draining, consisting of a good mix of organic matter like compost and sand.

This type of soil is most common in the Mediterranean region where currants are grown for wine production. However, with some experimentation, you may find that your local area has an ideal mixture. If not, it's easy to buy online or at any garden center. Once the container is planted with the appropriate soil and amendments, make sure to keep any weeds from growing by using mulch on top.

I prefer to make a soil mix myself, but you may also choose a good potting soil. I like Happy Frog Potting Soil. It's essential to make sure you use a potting mix if you buy soil. Buying potting soil will get expensive. Well-draining soil is vital for growing in pots. Currants need well-draining loamy soil rich in organic matter.

A good soil mixture is one part compost, one part coco coir, and one part perlite. I add six tablespoons of greensand, six tablespoons of bone meal, six tablespoons of blood meal, and three tablespoons of azomite to the mix. This is what I use for a five-gallon container.

How to Plant Bare-Root Currant Plants

- Plant the bare root currant plants in a hole that is deep and wide enough to accommodate the root ball.

- To ensure stability, plant the roots diagonally with at least one side of the root ball against an edge of the planting hole.

- Fill halfway up around them with soil mix and water thoroughly so there are no air pockets left within or between the roots.

- Push down on top of all for good contact but have it look natural rather than like you’re burying an animal carcass underground (unless you want to do something creepy). Put mulch over the top when finished if desired!

Currant Growing Tips

- Make sure to provide ample sunlight and water. Currants need at least a few hours of sun exposure every day, so pick an area on your property that will give the plant six hours of direct sunshine per day. If you live in the northern hemisphere where there are fewer daylight hours during winter months then try planting some currants near windows or even next to house lights for adequate brightness from artificial light sources.

- Soil needs to be well-drained because they can't tolerate wet feet! A good loose soil mix with plenty of organic matter is perfect for these plants; just make sure it doesn't contain any high salt levels which will kill them over time when too much moisture builds up around their roots. You'll want nice airy soil that can be amended easily.

- Currants are tender plants that grow best in cool climates, so if you live somewhere with hot summers and cold winters it would work well for you.

How to Eat Currants

Currants are a delicious fruit(I enjoy the white ones fresh but the red and black not too much) that can be eaten out of hand, or used in your favorite recipes. Here is how to get the most enjoyment from currant season!

- Rinse them off and eat fresh on their own as an afternoon snack

- Make a mixed berry pie filling for pies with blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and currants

- Add shredded apple to cooked down red grape halves

- yummy hot sauce (jam) to go over pancakes or french toast

- Blend up some berries into a smoothie bowl topped with oats, nuts, seeds, and coconut flakes for breakfast. You could also top it with honey if you’re feeling decadent!

There are many different ways that you can add currants into your diet, and enjoy their nutritional benefits.

Currants are delicious fruit that can be eaten as is or used in recipes to enhance the flavor of other fruits. Here are just a few ways how you can add them to your diet!

Health Benefits of Currants

The health benefits of currants are due to their high content of nutrients and minerals. Currants can be an excellent source of iron, vitamin C, potassium, or manganese. They contain a good amount of dietary fiber as well. With only 54 calories per 100 grams (this is equivalent to about one cup), they also provide plenty of energy without adding too many extra pounds to your frame.

They will help to regulate your blood sugar levels, which is a great benefit for those of us who have diabetes.

The vitamin C and antioxidants in currants will help to strengthen the immune system against colds or other illnesses that might be going around at this time of year.

The manganese content will help with building healthy bones and keeping skin youthful-looking by regulating how calcium is deposited into bone cells. Manganese is needed for the production of collagen, which becomes increasingly important as we age.

An excellent way to improve your health in a short amount of time is to incorporate more currants into your diet!

Currants are delicious, easy to grow, and provide a variety of health benefits. If you’ve never tried them before or don’t know how to grow them yourself, we hope this article was helpful! We look forward to hearing about your currant experience in the comments below!

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