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How to Propagate Perilla Plant | Enhanced Garden&Life

Updated: Aug 17, 2022



The perilla plant is a herb that can be used to add flavor to food. It has a unique smell and taste, which makes it different from other herbs. Sometimes you may want more of this herb in your garden or kitchen but do not know how to propagate perilla plants. There are many options for you can get more of these plants without having to buy them at the store, so let's take a look!

What is Perilla?

Perilla is a plant that grows in the shade or with indirect light. This herbaceous perennial plant produces dark green leaves and silver-white flowers during summer. Perilla can also be grown as an annual, outdoors where it does well for many years but must then overwinter indoors (or at least given protection from harsh winter conditions).

The seeds should be planted outside after the danger of frost has passed so they have plenty of time to mature before cooler weather arrives. The seeds should be planted in the spring after the last frost date.

Seeds should be started either by layering them under moist potting soil during late summer and then covering with a tiny bit more soil to keep damp so they'll germinate, which usually takes no longer than two weeks. Or you can take cuttings that are about six inches high and use rooting hormone for best results.


Here's the rooting hormone I like to use

Use to help cuttings grow roots

- A high performance, water-based rooting gel

- It is a tenacious gel that will remain in contact around the stem, sealing the cut tissue and supplying everything needed to promote root cell development and vitamins to protect the delicate new root tissue

- Use Clonex for all your propagation needs. It's ideal for use with herbaceous perennials, shrubs, trees, and woody ornamentals.


Benefits to Propagating Perilla Plant

Propagating a perilla plant can be beneficial for you, including cost-effective and sustainable reasons. You will need to purchase or obtain some of the seeds that are already in existence. There is also an opportunity to save money by propagating. Save your seeds from your plants every year because it’s better than relying on others who may not have great quality resources when starting out new crops each season.

If you propagate all the time then there won't be any problem with running out before next spring! That's what I call being prepared!

- Perilla propagates easily from cuttings, Cut off a branch, strip it of leaves up to the tip leaving only two or three leaves

- You can also plant seeds outdoors after all danger of frost has passed in spring or indoors if you want to get an early start before planting outside.

- Seeds are slow germination so patience is needed for growing from seed.

Propagating Perilla Plant

- Take cuttings off other perilla plants... - Take stem cuttings any time after the plant is in leaf. Remove some leaves from the bottom of a branch, strip off all but one or two pairs of leaves at its tip, and push it into sand or perlite about 3 inches deep. Make sure to keep it watered for the best results. This is how to propagate perilla plants from cuttings.

-Remove most of the leaves except two or three on the top

- put them in a pot of sand or perlite, whichever you prefer to plant them with.

-Place the pot in a bowl of water

-Be patient and watch the roots grow on your perilla plant

Once you have successfully propagated the seedling, make sure to water it regularly and give them plenty of sunlight. This will ensure that your perilla plant can grow into a healthy, thriving plant in no time!

How to Grow Perilla Leaves From Seed in a Pot

Growing perilla leaves from seed are easy! When sowing the seeds, moisten them first. Plant in partial shade and water sparingly to maintain moist but not wet soil. These plants prefer cooler temperatures for best performance. For more information about how to grow the perilla plant in containers from seed visit: Click here



Now that you know how to propagate the perilla plant, are you ready for the challenge? When it comes time for propagating your new plants, remember not to get frustrated if they don't take right away. You may need a few tries before getting them just right. If all else fails and you're still having trouble with this project, feel free to reach out and leave me a comment below!

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