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How to Grow Lettuce Microgreens Outdoors | Enhanced Garden&Life



Do you want to grow microgreens outdoors in a small space? Lettuce is an excellent choice because it takes up very little room and grows quickly. Microgreens are nutrient-dense, low calorie, and easy to make at home. In this post, we will show you how!

What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are small, young seedlings that are harvested shortly after germination. When the seedlings are a height of about two to three inches, they are harvested. So most can be ready to harvest in a very short time. You will be munching on your delicious microgreens within two weeks after planting.

Microgreens are the youth plants harvested before they have become mature adult plants. Microgreens are the baby of the well-known common plants you would have in your garden or buy in the grocery store. For example, if you buy kale at the grocery store, you will be buying a bunch of kale leaves from a mature kale plant. Kale microgreens are the same plant only grown to the size of one to three inches tall and then harvested at that time. They can be harvested in eight to fourteen days, depending on the variety. There is a wide range of flavors with microgreens. They can be very intense flavored compared to the adults.

Microgreens are grown away from a light source to get lengthy quickly before introducing them into the light. After you see the first true leaves, they are ready to be harvested. The first leaves that you will see are called cotyledons. The first true leaves are the second set of leaves that appear. When you notice these leaves, your microgreens are ready to be harvested and eaten.

Microgreens grow quickly but also need more attention than full-sized vegetables do during indoor growth periods because they are so delicate with regards to their size relative to environmental factors like heat control, light exposure, humidity levels, temperature fluctuations, and ventilation requirements. If you want your microgreen garden outdoors, follow these tips:

* Always use containers with good drainage, if using a container. I will be planting on the soil on my raised bed.

* Plant microgreens on top of the soil rather than into soil.

* Provide plenty of water before spreading your seeds and after.

How to Grow Lettuce Microgreens Outdoors

I made a wood cover for the microgreens. It's not very pretty because I am limited by my lack of tools for these projects. Anyway, I made the cover to fit a square foot space in my garden bed. It's not exact but close enough for me.

Firstly, I watered the area that I'm going to use. After wetting, I used the cover to press the square foot space down for the lettuce microgreen seeds. Once I have the impression in the soil of the space I'm using. I tried to distribute the seeds relatively densely. After adding the seeds, I watered and then placed the cover over the area. I previously did radish and found that as long as I have the wood covering over the area I don't need to water the microgreens. After I removed the cover I watered the microgreens.

Lettuce Microgreens

Lettuce Microgreens

The nutrients in microgreens are concentrated and they have a higher nutrient density than their mature counterparts. So this is one reason why we want to eat them raw, as opposed to cooked vegetables.

Microgreens are an excellent way to add flavor and color to your diet. They also provide essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that you can't find in regular vegetables or fruits. With microgreens, it's all about freshness!

Lettuce (all varieties): Lowers cholesterol level because they contain insoluble fiber which helps eliminate excess bile salts through the intestinal tract.

Lettuce microgreens also have a high concentration of lutein, which is an antioxidant that can help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

Lettuce microgreens also contain zeaxanthin which helps protect against age-related eye disease.

Lettuces are typically rich in vitamin K, folate (folic acid), riboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, zinc, and chromium.

Add lettuce to your salad for a nutrient boost! And don't forget the dressing!

Lettuce microgreens are the plant form of lettuce, meaning they're harvested when they reach a certain stage. They grow in popularity for culinary use because their flavor is more intense and complex than mature lettuces.

How to Eat Microgreens

Microgreens are eaten raw in salads or as a garnish for other dishes that you might have ready to eat; many people also like them as part of their morning smoothies with nutritious ingredients such as avocado, fruit juice, and honey.

The most common types used for both eating fresh and adding flavor to recipes include: sunflower greens, radish tops (daikon), mustard greens, pea shoots (sugar snaps) cress kale/mustard leaves any type of lettuce.

They make for great additions to salads, sandwiches, wraps, pasta dishes, and more!

I hope this article has helped you understand the benefits of microgreens, and how to grow them for yourself. It's important to remember that any type of food takes time and effort in order to get the best results- it can be hard work! But if you're willing to put in a little bit of work (and know what you're doing), then your reward will be fresh lettuce microgreens that you have grown yourself. If anyone has questions about anything I've discussed so far, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy gardening!

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