It is a beautiful Saturday morning, and you decide to have a nice day out in the garden. You get out of bed, get on your gardening clothes, and head outside. It's been too long since you've spent any time outdoors! You start to explore the backyard with your hands wide open as if you are trying to catch something. There are so many things that were missed when one is inside all day- fresh air, the smell of grass, vibrant colors from flowers...and yes! A big patch where sunflowers grew tall and strong for months now without anyone tending them at all. Your eyes widen as you take in their beauty; it looks like someone planted these just recently despite being there for so long already.
I love sunflowers. They're just so beautiful, with their giant petals and little yellow faces. They are really popular right now too, but I think they go well in any garden or even indoors as a decoration!
I bet you want to know how to grow them yourself huh? Now, this is going to take time- trust me on that one- but it's worth it in the long run.
Growing Sunflowers can be a very rewarding project. Sunflower seeds are relatively inexpensive, and they provide many benefits for your garden. There are many ways to grow Sunflowers, but this post will focus on growing them from seed directly in the ground. Read through these steps and learn how to grow your own Sunflower plant!
How to Grow Sunflowers Outdoors
Soil Type
Sunflowers are tolerant to many different soil types, but they do thrive in rich soils. Sunflower seeds should be planted in a well-drained area.
Be sure that you add compost or other organic material so that there is some kind of microbial activity happening.
Sunflowers also benefit from mulching because it keeps them cool as summer approaches.
How to Plant Sunflower Seeds
Sunflowers are a popular, hardy, and beautiful flower. Sunflower seeds can be planted at any time of the year but tend to grow best in warmer climates with long sunny days. The coming information will help you get started growing your own sunflower plants from seed!
The seed depth should be about two times the diameter of the seed. Sunflowers can grow up to nine feet in height, so it is important that you prepare your garden for adequate space and sun exposure. The seed spacing should be about six inches apart.
Sunflower seeds should be planted at a depth of two times its diameter, which is typically around three-quarters of an inch deep. The area must have adequate space available and good access to sunlight as well before planting these beautiful plants outside. They prefer warmer climates where they will get plenty of long sunny days during their growing season; it is important that you prepare your yard accordingly so they may grow successfully outdoors!
Sunflower seeds should be watered thoroughly until saturated within 48 hours after germination begins; this may need to be done multiple times during dry periods without rain.
Water Requirements
Sunflower plants are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and will be able to grow even with extreme conditions. They do require some water, however, so it is important that you keep the ground moist at all times. Water requirements for Sunflowers depend largely on where they are planted in your garden; if they have access to natural rainfall or regular watering from a nearby stream then their needs could change drastically based on how much rainfall there is during dry periods.
Tolerates drought well but thrives when watered regularly.
Requires water when growing in dry areas.
An irregular watering schedule may result in wilting or stunted growth.
Watering a Sunflower plant will not cause it to grow significantly taller than normal, but regular irrigation can help the plant resist drought and remain healthy during periods of stress.
Sunflowers are sensitive plants that react quickly to a change in environment; they need consistent moisture throughout their life cycle if they are going to thrive as expected.
Sunlight Requirements
- Sunflowers grown outdoors require full sunlight for optimal growth and should be placed where they’ll receive six hours or more per day of direct sunlight. They may also thrive on less intense light if given supplemental artificial lighting during the winter months when natural daylight is limited (such as under high-power lights).
Sunflower Growing Tips
Sunflower Growing Tips: Sunflowers grow best when they are exposed to plenty of natural light. Optimal soil conditions include a neutral pH, with good drainage and organic matter for optimum health and protection from pests or diseases. If your area is prone to clay-heavy soils, remember to add in plenty of organic matter to provide your sunflowers with the best conditions possible.
Nutrition and Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in protein and Vitamin E, which are important for muscle growth. Sunflowers also contain Omega-six fatty acids - a type of fat that can lower cholesterol levels. A study found people who eat sunflower seeds on an empty stomach had increased feelings of satiety between meals, so they didn't overeat at the next meal. Sunflower seeds are also believed to have the ability to combat asthma and alleviate depression symptoms.
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Sunflowers are a rich source of Vitamin A, which is important for healthy eyesight and maintaining good vision from aging. Sunflowers are also high in antioxidants that can help prevent or delay some eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
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Sunflower seeds contain Vitamin E which is imperative for the regulation of reproductive hormones so it may help promote fertility in women, regulate hormonal symptoms during menstruation, strengthen sperm count and increase male fertility levels. Sunflowers are very high in fiber content as well which can help to lower bad cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.
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Sunflower seeds can also help to relieve constipation, soothe indigestion and act as a natural laxative which is perfect for people who have difficulty with bowel movements due to health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation. They are not only great at treating these types of issues but are also a great source to promote healthy bowel movements.
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Sunflower seeds contain high levels of linoleic acid which is essential for regulating blood pressure and preventing lowering cholesterol. Sunflowers can be a great addition to your diet if you are looking for a healthy snack or salad topping that will provide many health benefits at the same time!
Varieties of Sunflower
The sunflower is a popular plant that comes in many varieties. The most common type of Sunflower found growing commercially are the Mammoth Sunflowers, which come to maturity about 60-80 days after they have been planted and can grow up to 25 feet high with yellow flowers and green leaves. Though these plants are widely available, they are not the only type of sunflower out there. There are dozens of other varieties that come in different colors and shapes- some even have red flowers with black centers!
There are over 70 varieties that you can choose from, and they are all beautiful.
Just to name a few, there is a Sunflower with a dark-green stem and leaves, called the 'Green Giant'. This Sunflower is perfect if you want something that can grow in partial shade.
There are also smaller varieties of sunflowers! Some types of these miniature flowers are only about 18 inches tall when fully mature. The most popular one is "Tom Thumb," which is also the shortest variety available.
-Mammoth Sunflowers: yellow flowers with green leaves, can grow up to 25 feet high
-Black Oil Sunflower: dark black seeds that produce a valuable cooking oil in the U.S., these plants only require 75 days of growing time for maturity but need lots of space
-Helios Sunflower: reddish flowers with black centers, these plants only need 150 days of growing time for maturity
-Rio Grande Sunflower: red center on yellow petals that resemble the sun in shape and color, needs 65 days to grow mature.
The Sunflower plant is one of the most popular flowers in the world. It originated from North America and has since spread to South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The annual plants are commonly used for their edible seeds that come in many colors ranging from white to black and can be found on grocery store shelves as well as farmer's markets across America.
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My life as a Sunflower
Hey there friend It's so nice to meet you, I'm a sunflower and I want to take you on my journey!
I started out as a seed sealed up in a bag with my brothers and sisters until one day I was being carried and fell from the bag onto some dry soil. The sun was beating down on me daily. It was really hot, but I had so much energy to release. I just have to wait patiently for some water to come my way.
Eventually, the water I had been so patiently waiting for came and it felt like a blessing. When you are thirsty in this heat, all of a sudden that cool liquid on your hull feels amazing! My roots took off straight away too, as soon as they touched the wet soil below me - I was happy to finally break free and release some of this energy that has built up inside me...
I prefer to be in loamy rich soil but I just happened to fall onto clay but I'm determined to grow to my full potential. As I grow taller and stronger every day my roots extend deeper into the soil and I'm able to reach further for water.
And still, I find myself wishing for water. Luckily, the rain keeps falling and it's not long until my whole body is flooded with enough moisture to sustain me through another day...
After every night I'm waiting in anticipation to feel the rays of the sun touch me so I can feel more energy flow through me allowing my sunflower head to start opening and greet the world.
I'm finally starting to bloom and I feel my roots really start to take hold as they dig deeper into the soil showing me that this is where I belong...
Here in sunflower land with all of these other sunflowers just waiting for their turn to be able to see how beautiful it can be.
I'm providing sweet nectar for bees and other insects as well. I can feel their gratitude as they have their needs fulfilled as well as pollinating me.
Now I'm ready to end my journey as the nights lengthen, becoming colder I will close my petals and go into a deep slumber.
I now have all my little seedling ready to repeat my cycle next year...
- Sun