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Homemade Organic Fertilizer! | Enhanced Garden&Life



Did you know that by adding just a few ingredients to your compost pile, you can create a homemade organic fertilizer for your garden?

Fertilizers are used to provide the nutrients needed for plants. So why not make it yourself and save some money! Fertilizers typically contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These three elements are commonly abbreviated as N-P-K. Commercial fertilizers usually have ratios of 10:5:10 or 20:20:20.

- Fertilizer: A substance that provides minerals and nutrients for plants or microorganisms, especially one containing nitrogen compounds such as ammonium nitrate

- Organic Fertilizer: Fertilizers made from natural substances rather than synthetic chemicals, which can affect the health of the environment around them. All organic fertilizers produce a greater yield with fewer adverse environmental effects.

How to Make Fertilizer at Home

In this post I will train you how to make your own organic fertilizer! Fertilizer is important because it helps plants grow. A good fertilizing strategy benefits both the soil and the plant, so let's get started with this simple recipe:

* Fill a bucket up halfway with water

* Add food scraps or other organic matter to fill half of the bucket full

* Let sit for about two weeks until the decomposing vegetable matter has turned into an attractive dark brown liquid that smells like dirt (optional: add beneficial bacteria such as compost tea brewer microbes to speed up decomposition process) ...and voila! Organic Fertilizers made fresh in your kitchen!

If you have a worm farm, they can make the compost quickly

* Filling the worm bin with food scraps

* Add loose leaves, paper towels, or brown matter such as shredded newspaper. If you have a compost heap, some of it can go in there too!

* Feed your worms every few days to make sure they stay healthy ....and voila! Worm fertilizer made fresh in your kitchen!

Making a pile of compost is also an option:

Add yard waste, leaves, and kitchen scraps to a pile in your yard. Let it sit for two weeks, then turn the compost with a pitchfork or shovel. Cover with soil if you want to keep it from attracting flies and being smelly.

To Fertilize:

* Grab a handful of the worm castings and mix with water. This is going to be your fertilizer, so make sure it's mixed well! How much you use will depend on how large your plant or area is that needs fertilizing. Use about one cup for an indoor potted plant, two cups for a small outdoor flower bed, three cups if gardening in containers outside, or four cups outdoors when planting flowers out in rows. Squeeze the mixture into the soil a little under the surface, as well as watering them down good then cover over with soil too! The plants should start showing signs of growth within a couple of days.

Layer mulching around your plants with straw, leaves, or other organic material. This will slowly break down and fertilize your plants and, with an added benefit, keep your soil moist and cool on hot days.

You can also try composting your kitchen garbage at home. Start a pile, and add layers of grass clippings, leaves, or other organic refuse such as coffee grounds to it every few weeks for about six months. The piles should be kept moist, with the top layer being moistened daily during dry periods to avoid excessive heat build-up, which will kill off the bacteria needed for decomposition by drying out the material faster than they are able to break down plant matter into humus and nitrates. This process is called vermicomposting because earthworms or their castings are added in order to increase microbial activity within the pile.

This method produces rich soil that will not harbor weed seeds while providing less need for fertilizers or pesticides.

There many other options other than synthetic fertilizers for plants.

- Fertilizers can be obtained from manure, composts, or manures produced by humans and animals (e.g., cow, sheep).

Organic Fertilizer

Organic Fertilizer is a fertilizer that does not contain synthetic chemicals. Organic fertilizers are usually either organic sources from animals or plants, or they may be natural mineral sources like kelp and rock dust. Organics can come in many forms, such as manure, composted plant material (manure), fish emulsion, worm castings, alfalfa meal, lime sulfur, bat guano.

Homemade Liquid Fertilizer


- Fertilizer compost and

- Water

- Nutrient-rich soil from the outside of a healthy plant

Mix all ingredients together and allow to stand for three days. After three days, mix well with water. Pour into a watering can or sprayer tank and use as desired!

***Be sure to label the container with Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer, or Liquid Fertilizer. Keep out of reach of any children and pets. Do not ingest!

- Fertilize plants as desired

- Mix in the soil around plant roots for a quick nutrient boost (for larger plants)

- Watering cans are great for fertilizing smaller areas like potted plants on patios or balconies.

This is a great way to get started with organic fertilizer. It also provides an opportunity for you to save money as well! Do you have any questions? You should leave a comment below, and I will be happy to help answer your question or provide more information on how this process works.

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