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How to Grow Horseradish | Enhanced Garden&Life


WARNING: Once you plant horseradish it will be very difficult to get it completely out of your garden. If you leave any little piece of root in the ground it will grow back. I suggest using a container.


If you're looking to spice up your garden, horseradish is the perfect plant! This root vegetable can be grown in most types of soil and needs moderate watering. It also requires 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. Horseradish has many health benefits as well as being delicious on a roast beef sandwich!

What is Horseradish?

Horseradish is a root vegetable, closely related to wasabi and mustard. Horseradish has been used in the kitchen for centuries as a condiment or grated into sauces, dressings, mayonnaise; but it also makes an excellent addition to salads and sandwiches.

A horseradish plant can grow up to two to three feet tall when mature. The leaves are long and dark green. Horseradish is a perennial plant and will produce new leaves in the spring, which should be cut off to prevent them from taking energy away from developing roots.

It is an easy plant to grow in the garden, as it tolerates poor soil conditions and can be kept pest-free with little effort.

-Horseradish is a herbaceous perennial plant that is a member of the Brassicaceae family.

-It grows in temperate zones and can be grown as an annual or biennial, depending on where you live. There are two types: Oriental (has little flavor) and European (has more intense flavor). Horseradish roots have been used for centuries to treat illnesses such as arthritis, bronchitis, coughs, and sinus congestion due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Horseradish has been used historically as a remedy for digestive ailments, pleurisy, and more.

How to Plant Horseradish

Plant your horseradish in the spring. Horseradish is perennial, so it will come back year after year. Planting depth should be about an inch deep and place a piece of the current year's root on the bottom of the hole, then water thoroughly to help settle roots into new soil before mulching lightly. Horseradish plants grow best in climates with cool winters and moist, yet well-drained soil all year round.

Horseradish Planting Tips

Horseradish is very easy to propagate. Simply take a section of the root, bury it in sand or soil and wait for some shoots to come up. You can also divide an existing horseradish plant into smaller sections with roots intact by gently dividing them apart with your hands and replanting those pieces separately.

A container garden works well because you can control the type of soil used as opposed to planting outside where there are many variables that could affect growth such as temperature, moisture levels, wind patterns, and other environmental factors which will not be constant year-round in one spot. The best terra cotta pots have holes on the bottom so water drains out easily- this prevents overwatering plants!

The most important thing when growing horseradish is to make sure it has plenty of water. Horseradish needs a lot because the leaves are large.

* Growing – Planting seeds/plants in an area with appropriate conditions

* Soil type - sandy loam, rich organic soil; moist but not too wet (add sand)

Soil Type

-Horseradish prefers a soil type that is loamy, peaty, or sandy. The pH should be about neutral (pH of around seven) to slightly acidic with a pH range of from five and six being ideal.

While horseradish can grow in just about any suitable garden conditions, it does best when planted in rich soils like those found near the coast where it gets plenty of moisture and sunlight exposure.

Sunlight Requirements

Horseradish does best in an area with partial sunlight. Horseradish needs at least six hours of sun a day to grow properly and produce the right amount of nutrients for human consumption.

Some people choose to plant their horseradish near taller plants such as tomatoes or corn that provide protection against wind and also offer shade when needed.

Water Requirements

Horseradish needs a lot of water during the growing season - it doesn't tolerate dry soil at all! It also prefers moist, well-drained conditions without too many changes in temperature (so plant near your house if possible). Horseradish plants can grow up to two feet tall with large long leaves(see the picture below) but they produce white flowers which look more like lilies than any other type of flower found in a vegetable garden. If you planted them in a hardy urn, this should provide the conditions they need.

Horseradish Growing Tips

Watering Horseradish requires evenly moist soil all through the season. Dry spells may lead to wilting leaves and stunted root development if not corrected promptly by watering deeply once per day.

Sunlight Requirements They like full sun but still do best when given some afternoon shade during hot weather months which prevents scorching.

Horseradish Nutrition

Nutrition Horseradish is high in vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains calcium, potassium, and magnesium which are important to bone health. Horseradish is a great source of potassium for regulating blood pressure.

Health Benefits

Horseradish Health Benefits It can help reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol levels in your body, aiding detoxification pathways, and helping to maintain healthy colon function.

Horseradish has also been used medicinally to treat arthritis symptoms including inflammation caused by excess uric acid. In addition, it may be beneficial for improving digestion because horseradish contains natural enzymes that are similar to those found in people's stomach juices.

Eating horseradish will clear up congestion from a cold or asthma as well as helping digestion issues such as gas pains, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea.

The heat created by the chemical compounds found in this plant makes it an excellent remedy for rubbing on sore joints or muscles before going to bed for relief of pain without using drugs that may be addictive over time.

How to Eat Horseradish

How To Eat Horseradish Roots Once you have grown your own plant root cut them into small pieces with a sharp knife then boil them gently until they can easily be mashed down with a fork. Add a little salt, or pepper and enjoy them as a side dish to your meal!

How To Eat Horseradish Leaves If you want to eat horseradish leaves, they are best consumed when fresh. Use the leaves in a salad or as a vegetable side dish. You can also add the leaves to sandwiches and wraps for an extra kick of flavor!




Some people think horseradish is just a condiment, but it's actually an amazing plant that can be grown in your backyard. Horseradish is a versatile ingredient that can be used fresh or dried, grated, shredded, ground up, or preserved whole like wasabi. Horseradish has many health benefits and when you grow it yourself you know exactly what goes into the soil to nourish it. Comment below with any questions about how to start your own horseradish patch and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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