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How to Grow Dill in Containers: An Indispensable Herb for Your Container Garden

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

The cool, crisp taste of fresh dill is one that cannot be replicated. The herb can also be used as an ingredient in many dishes and recipes such as soups, sauces, salads, pickles, and eggs. Dill plants are a wonderful addition to any garden or home kitchen because it is easy to grow and the plant produces a lot of seeds- meaning you will never have to buy more! In this article, we discuss how to grow dill indoors on your windowsills at home!

how to grow dill in containers


Anethum graveolens

The smell of the dill plant leads me right to my happy place: Mediterranean meals warm spring days and soft feathery foliage. Some people who adore this herb no longer have to go through the market in order to have a fresh supply as there are options available that we can easily grow. I'll introduce each step in growing this delightful ornamental and delicious plant.

Culture and history

This dill plant is indigenous to the Mediterranean and western Asia. The name Annethum comes from the Greek term for this plant which means “a strong-smelling plant”. The English name references no scent rather to its medicinal uses. Dill(the word) is thought to have Norse origins, which refer to the reputation it got from the word to lull or soothe. Essential oil from this species has anti-microbial, anti­fungal, and anti-oxidant properties and it has even been used to preserve food in industrial food production. These medicinal and culinary uses of this plant deservedly share a part in ornamental gardens too.

Appearance of Dill

This annual herb is generally green and has tiny yellow flower buds. Dill has feathery foliage, the leaves look like thin blades of grass that stand erect on a long slender stalk.

Dill leaves are also very thin and have a light, feathery texture. Dill is an herbaceous plant that grows in its native habitat of southern Europe to the Middle East all the way out into Asia Minor. Dill seed sprouts quickly as soon as it's wet enough for germination. Dill plants grow up to 30 inches tall with three feet long stalks topped by clusters of yellow flowers

Dill plants can be grown almost anywhere, but they like full sun or partial shade if you live in a hot climate with plenty of moisture. Dill will do well planted near tomatoes because both need lots of water.

Cultivars to select

Some cultivars bolt slower so that the foliage will be harvested more frequently.

Growing Tips

Dill is easy to germinate. When you want to let this herbal compound live you will need to plant it in a dedicated bed. When flowers are still yellow cut the heads off so mature seeds won't be released into your garden. These flowers are fragrant and are great for use in kitchens and flower arrangements.

The herb is quite easy to grow - any plant growing quickly and self-seeding is probably very flexible from its own nature. But to help assure successful dill plants here are a few other ideas to cultivate. Try to seed up the herb to a bed and remove all seed that appears in your garden.

How do I plant dill?

Dill is an essential plant for gourmet garden enthusiasts. The dill seed will germinate well in an atmosphere between sixty degrees and 70 degrees. You can harvest dill leaf from the dill plant at any time but it usually flowers eight weeks after planting. Dill can be dried or frozen for later use on potato bread, salmon and other fish, lamb, and many other vegetables including peas beets, and asparagus. For an ongoing harvest, you can sow seeds every second week.

How do I Grow Dill?

Dill native to Europe and Asia plays an important role in seasoning picked food. It's advisable to start sowing seeds in early spring if there are few chances of freezing and it can grow quickly. The leaves and seeds are often thought of as seasonings, but flowers can also be considered eating. The feather-like leaves are decorative it can make it a nice addition in flower beds where it can attract pollinators. It blends with other plants, whether used as foliage or for brightening the color - just be sure your self-sowing habit is kept in. The whole thing is extremely fragranced.

Where to plant

Dill plants grow best in complete sun on healthy fertile soil. Plant if it is protected from the wind. -Dill weed stems can reach 3 ft tall.

Soil preparation and pH for dill plants

Dill plants prosper in well-fed loamy soil with a ph between 5.5 and 6.5. Dill plants grow best in nutrient-rich, porous soil; Use rich organic matter and well-decomposed compost throughout the garden and mulch plants with 1 inch of mulch for best soil results. If you don't know about your soil's pH you can obtain it from your regional garden center, or here on Amazon(

Light and temperature

The ideal germination temperature for dills is approximately 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Dill seeds love sunny areas of great sunlight and warmth. Any frost can ruin a dill. Please check the date of the last frost and plant only with a frost-tolerant zone in advance.

Pests and diseases

Dill is a hardy crop that doesn't attract a lot of pests that are threatening it. The biggest dill pests are the larvae of the black swallowtail butterfly who eats dill plants. This insect eats some feathery green leaves to help them grow and then will become a pollinator for dill plants. The best defense to fight against diseases and pests is the planting intent and the planting methods.


It is common for a disease to be prevented by making sure you're not growing these plants in overly wet or humid conditions. Keep your soil well-drained and space the plants for airflow and drainage. Gardeners in humid climates have a higher incidence of diseases than those in arid climates.

Harvesting Dill Weed Plants

Both leaves and seeds of dillweed are edible. Let dill seeds grow without trimming until they can go into flower. Harvest dill seeds when the Pod has browned, cut off all the flowers, and put them in a paper bag. The dill seed from the head of the flower will come out and you'll be able to separate the seeds from waste. Planting this herb in your backyard will keep plenty of fresh dills ready for all kinds of recipes.

How to Grow Dill Successfully

To grow dill successfully, you will want to start with a container that has drainage holes as the soil does not hold too much moisture. Fill up your pot or container with well-drained, loamy dirt.

Depending on how large of a planting space you have available for your dill plants. you can either put them in a container right next to each other or plant rows about 12 inches apart.

Choosing The Pot

First, pick out a pot. A one-gallon pot will be big enough for dill plants. It's important to know what type of container you can use for a dill plant pot. You'll need something with drainage holes in the bottom that will accommodate the height of your plants. If your pots don't have any holes, be sure to poke some! The best containers are those made out of plastic or clay. Terracotta pots are another option, but they tend to dry out too quickly, so you'll need water more often. They also crack when left out in the cold.

Starting Dill Seeds

How to Germinate Dill Seeds

Dill planting into soil blocks is an excellent way to start your dill seed. Make your soil blocks, add them to a clear plastic container, and place them in a sunny location or under grow lights. Using a plastic container with a lid will create condensation so your seeds will stay moist and they will not need to be watered continually. Doing this will ensure that your seedlings will not be leggy when they germinate because they will have light soon after germination. When seedlings don't get sunlight or grow light, they will grow tall and skinny. These will not be healthy or strong seedlings. For a continuous fresh harvest sow successive crops.

Using a heat mat will also help your seedlings to germinate. Dill seeds germinate best in garden soil temperatures ranging from 60 degrees to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Growing Dill Plants in Containers

Dill weed can grow in a container easily. Simply pick a pot that is at least six inches in diameter and fill it with dirt. Plant the dill seeds or seedlings into your container, making sure to leave enough room for them to grow as well as some space between each plant.

After planting make sure you continually check the soil for watering needs, so they have plenty of moisture, but don’t let it dry out before adding more! It will take longer for Dill plants grown indoors without much natural sunlight to thrive compared to those planted outside where there are direct sun rays shining on them constantly. If you're growing inside with limited natural light place your pots near an east-facing window so they get plenty of sunlight during daytime hours! You may also consider using artificial lighting if need be which is a good way to grow plants at home even during the winter months.

Preparing The Soil Mix

I prefer to make a soil mix myself, but you may also choose a good potting soil.

I like Happy Frog( Potting Soil. It's essential to make sure you use a potting mix if you buy soil. Buying potting soil will get expensive. Well-draining soil is vital for growing in pots. Dill needs well-draining loamy soil rich in organic matter.

A good soil mixture is one part compost (

I add one tablespoon of greensand(

- half a tablespoon of azomite( to the mix. This is what I use for a one-gallon container.

Sunlight Requirements for Dill Plants

Dill grows well in full sun or six to eight hours of direct sunlight.

Water Requirements for Dill Plants

Watering dill weed twice a week would be best but checking the soil moisture is really the way it should be done.

Dill Nutrition

The vitamins that these aromatic plants have in it are many. Vitamin A and C, which aids with a healthy immune system, as well as potassium to help regulate blood pressure levels.

The minerals that dill has in it include calcium for bone health; iron for red blood cells production; magnesium for muscular contraction; and zinc will help the body fight off infection-causing bacteria!

Many medicinal benefits come from eating Dill too! It helps digestion because of its mild laxative properties while also helping ease stomach cramps caused by gas or bloating due to various reasons such as food intolerances or overindulging in rich foods like chocolate or fatty meats. The oils found within Dill have been known to be effective against respiratory disorders such as chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Some people also believe that Dill can help relieve migraines, as well as menstrual cramps thanks to its natural analgesic and antihistamine properties found within it which are needed for pain relief. When cooking with dill (or eating raw) be mindful of how much you use because too much could lead to an upset stomach!

Best Way to Plant Dill

How to Grow Dill Inside

Plant dill seeds in your containers. Fill the container with soil then water it until moist. Sow dill seeds directly on top of the moistened soil, then cover them lightly with more soil to prevent light from reaching the seedlings as they germinate. Once they have begun sprouting, wait about two weeks before transplanting to avoid damaging delicate roots.

What Grows Well With Dill

Plants that grow well with dill are tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, and lettuce.

Saving dill seed

The umbrella shaped flower heads of the growing dill attracts many beneficial insects to your dill patch.

In this instance you can harvest the whole flower head on the hollow stems of dill that turn brown in color. Don't wait that long or some of your seed may fall out and self sow the following year. It's recommended that I dry seeds for a week on paper towels. According to some people dill should never need further care. You can then dry the seeds for a week before freezing them to dry in the fridge or on dry food.

Black Swallowtail Caterpillars

This herb is home for black swallowtail caterpillars – which convert to black swallowtails. Black swallowtail is also attracted to others from the carrot family. Adult butterflies lay eggs on these plants to which these black swallowtail caterpillar eat the feathery leaves once the eggs hatch. Generally gardeners are willing to sacrifice a bit of Dill to these guys in exchange for the chance to see them flitting around in their beautiful mature form.


Aphid colonies will often invade and if they do so, the viruses can transmit. Your first defense against aphids is to maintain plant conditions regularly. If you find aphids in the leaf litter wash it clean using the hot water to wash. To ward off aphids who may be infesting and hiding your weeds try to get beneficial insect species such as parasitic wasps, green lacewings, or hoverflies.

Root-Knot Nematodes

Root-tuckers' nematode affects carrots, kale, and many other broadleaf plants too. This can be difficult to distinguish above the surface. If the problem already exists try the Solarization of soil to kill the pest.


You can sow seeds if you can work your soil this spring providing temperatures do not exceed 25°. Although it's an annual one, it does tend to self grow on its own. If you planted herbs one time you may not need them again. It does indeed exists within the soils in my garden in northeast Utah where the plants have to endure extreme drying conditions harsh wind, sub-zero winter temperatures, and short summers. Since I started my seeds a long time ago I have dill volunteers planted all year in my garden. This would be a boon, no problem since dill is one of my favorite herbs and it appears I never overdose on it.

Dill is a great herb for growing in containers because it doesn't need much space. It's also easy to grow, and you can harvest its leaves at any time of the year! Have you ever eaten fresh dill? Let me know in the comments below.

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