Phaseolus Vulgaris Growing Guide
Bush beans are a great choice for any gardener looking to grow vegetables in their garden. Bush beans produce tasty green beans that can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried and stored for later use. This article will cover bush bean planting tips as well as bush bean care instructions.
What are Bush Beans
Bush beans are a type of green bean that has been bred to grow shorter than the pole and string beans. Beans can be grown in containers, raised beds, or directly in the soil. Bush varieties include Blue Lake bush beans, Scarlet runner bush beans, Red Kidney bush beans, Black turtle soup bush beans, and more! These types of green bush variety have long pods with lots of different colors on them but they all taste great so pick whichever you like best!
Bush Bean Vs Pole Beans
Pole beans are the same as bush beans except pole beans need vertical support whereas bush beans do not require this type of support because they are not long vining plants. Pole Beans are vines and grow best on a trellis or wire mesh fence.
Bean Diseases
Some common diseases you may find on your bush beans are downy mildew, powdery mildew, and rust. Downy Mildew is a fungus that loves moist conditions so make sure bush beans are dry before harvesting them to prevent spreading the disease onto other plants.
Growing Bush Beans In Containers
Bush beans are bush-type snap bean plants that produce green pods and seeds that can be eaten raw or cooked. Bush beans are a great choice for any gardener looking to grow vegetables in their garden, as bush beans require less space than pole bean varieties do. This article will cover bush bean planting tips as well as bush bean care instructions for harvesting bush beans at the right time (usually around 50 days after sowing) and preserving them once they're harvested so you'll have delicious fresh bush beans all year long!
Soil type is a crucial element for bush beans. With bush beans, you want to make sure that the soil drains well and has good fertility. A pH range between six and seven does just fine when growing bush beans but soils with low acidity may require lime depending on what kind of plants you plan on having near or among them as this will help buffer the alkalinity from those other types of plantings. You also need an adequate level of organic matter to ensure that bush beans plants are able to thrive.
Clicking on the blue link below will get yours on Amazon:
Here is an excellent option for potting soil Happy Frog Potting Soil.
Prefer to make your own soil? Click on the blue links to get yours on Amazon and make your own soil to help your plant stay healthy and strong!
For a three to a five-gallon container:
- one part compost
- one part coco coir
- one part perlite.
- six tablespoons of greensand
- six tablespoons of bone meal
- six tablespoons of blood meal
- three tablespoons of azomite
How to Plant Beans
Bush Bean Planting: Bush beans should be grown outdoors between April and October where temperatures stay above 12°C (54°F) for most of the day. When planting bush beans into the ground make sure you use deep mulch soil around them so they do not dry out during hot weather periods such as mid-day.
Plant them after you are comfortable that your last frost date has passed.
Bush beans can be planted about three to four inches apart and the seed should be planted into the soil about an inch deep.
Water Requirements:
Bush beans require a lot of water. Make sure to give bush beans about one inch of water per week in order for bush beans plants and bush bean seeds to grow properly. They will need even more water during hot months or if the soil is dry. If you are growing bush beans in containers, make sure they have access to at least an inch of water every day and use mulch around them so that their roots do not suffer drought stress from lack of rain.
Different climates will have different requirements for watering bush beans.
Here on Amazon, you can find a hose to water me just click on the blue link below.
Sunlight Requirements
Bush beans need full sun so at least six hours of sunlight every day. This means that bush bean plants will not grow well if bush beans are planted in the shade, or if bush beans have been transplanted and do not receive enough sun for a period of time. If you plant bush beans outside, make sure they get plenty of direct light each day to ensure healthy growth.
You can tell when the bush bean pods dry out because they turn brownish-yellow color on their outer shell rather than green like before harvesting them. Some people say it is best to harvest bush beans when the bush bean pods are still green because bush beans are higher in nutrients then, but remember that bush beans keep growing and will grow fuller if left on the bush.
Tips on how to care for bush
The bush bean is a member of the legume family and grows best in hot climates. Bush beans can be grown almost anywhere if they are given proper care, but do need to be planted on warm soil or with some sort of protection from cold weather.
Bush beans love the heat as long as they are well-watered, however, if too much time passes with no rain then bush bean plants will start growing slower until cooler temperatures return.
Bush bean seeds should be planted in early spring which can start as late as April but definitely not later than May because bush beans do not tolerate frost well when first planted outdoors.
If bush beans are not grown in healthy soil or given all the nutrients they need, bush bean plants will have trouble getting enough vitamins and minerals to grow. Planting bush beans near tomatoes is a great way to help them because both of these vegetables love lots of nitrogen!
When To Harvest
Bush bean seeds can be harvested anytime between 50-80 days of growth when they reach approximately 12 inches tall and have reached full maturity. If bush beans are left on the plant too long, they will become tough and inedible.
Harvest bush beans when they're young and tender. After harvesting, bush beans should be either canned or stored for future use by placing them inside an air-tight container such as glass jars that contain a small amount of water on the bottom so that there is some moisture present which helps preserve freshness and prevent spoilage. You also want to make sure bush beans are refrigerated if you do not plan on using them right away.
If you time your planting of beans correctly you can get more than one harvest in a season!
Growing Bush Beans Vertically
Bush beans don't need to grow vertically because they only grow to about 12 inches in height.
Health and Nutrition Of Bush Beans
Bush beans provide a lot of health benefits to humans. They have high levels of protein, fiber, folate, and iron which make them very beneficial for pregnant women or people with anemia (a lack of red blood cells). The potassium content is helpful for regulating blood pressure while providing low sodium rates. This means bush beans help lower your risk for heart disease as well as diabetes complications like cardiovascular problems or stroke.
There's even some evidence that they can reduce cholesterol! It doesn't end there though - bush beans also offer lots of antioxidants for protection against cancer, as well as provide many vitamins. With bush beans, you really can't go wrong!
The antioxidant properties found within bush beans protect against certain types of cancers while also providing your body with various vitamins - this is why it's hard not to love bush beans! They offer so much value.
It is important for those who do not eat meat products to include bean consumption as part of their diet plan if they want to maintain a healthy body weight. They also have soluble fiber which reduces cholesterol levels due to its ability to slow fat absorption during digestion and help control blood sugar levels following meals because insulin production decreases after eating food with soluble fiber (Soluble fiber is effective in lowering "bad" cholesterol).
Ways to Eat Bush Beans
In addition to bush beans being delicious and nutritious, they are one of the easiest vegetables around. They grow great in containers or garden beds and can be harvested by snapping them off at the end of their short vines with a quick twist. There is no need for digging up roots! The leaves on bush beans are edible too - you will want to use kale or spinach as substitutes if bush bean leaves aren't your thing. Some thoughts to get you started:
- Sautéed Bush Beans: Prepare bush beans either fresh from harvesting or frozen (just make sure that thawed) by adding olive oil over medium heat. Add garlic powder according to taste preferences, salt, pepper, and dried herbs such as thyme, oregano, or basil. Cook bush beans in the olive oil for about five minutes until they turn a bright green and soften up slightly. This is a nice recipe that I enjoy!
- Bush Bean Soup: Make bush bean soup by cutting bush beans into one inch pieces (or larger if desired) and add them to chicken broth with salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried thyme leaves; simmer the mixture on medium heat for 20 minutes before adding other ingredients such as diced carrots, celery sticks or parsley.
- Grilled Bush Beans: Prepare bush beans fresh from harvesting or frozen (just make sure that thawed) by lightly coating both sides of each piece with canola oil then brush grill grates over medium-high heat. Grill bush beans for approximately two minutes per side, until they become a bright green and soften up slightly.
- Bush Bean Dip: Combine bush beans with sour cream or yogurt in a food processor for four to five minutes before adding garlic powder, salt, pepper, freshly chopped parsley leaves, or basil. You could also substitute avocado for sour cream if you prefer!
- Creamed Bush Beans: Prepare bush beans by cooking them over medium heat in butter and onion until softened then add flour followed by milk as needed (usually one-quarter cup at a time). Add salt and pepper to taste preferences while stirring constantly; cook on low heat then stir in heavy whipping cream just before serving; serve this dish hot plain but it is delicious served with toast points that have been brushed with butter.
- Bush Bean Treats: Make bush beans into a delicious party snack by cutting them in half lengthwise and adding salt, pepper, dill, or thyme to taste preferences before stuffing the bush bean halves with cream cheese of choice then wrap each one tightly in either Proscuitto ham or bacon; bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit on low heat until crisp.
Keeping Pests From My Bush Beans
I've had beans growing twice this season and both times my plants were eaten by pests(probably rabbits or squirrels) before I had any bean pod from them. I've been so annoyed! I planted in my raised garden bed the first time and then more recently I had four plants growing in a container. Now I think I have come up with an idea to give them protection. I hope this idea will finally help my bush beans grow. They should be easy to grow but dealing with these bunnies(pests) has really frustrated me. I can't wait to eat my organic dragon tongue beans!
You can see I only have one of my beans left that has been half-eaten and looking horrible. I replanted and added this idea I had to keep pests from my plants. This is a tomato cage upside down with chicken wire zip tied around it. I'm pleased so far, it made it through a severe storm last night.
My Story(Bush Bean)
Hello! I am the Bush Bean plant. I like to be grown in containers. It's a lot easier and less messy that way, for some reason. My best friend is the green pepper, but he doesn't like being inside either. So we get together sometimes and talk about life when it rains a lot or is really hot outside. We also talk about what foods we are going to eat when someone picks us up from our pot on their countertops and takes us out into the open air where there are many more plants of all different shapes and sizes than just my one little container...
The Seed
I had been a seed for so long. I was one of the very last seeds in a packet and it seemed like no one wanted me because when you are as old as I am, all your friends have gone to plant themselves in the ground and grow up with their roots deep down in the soil. But then, someone came along who wanted me! It's not easy being picked last but after this person planted me and gave me water and sun, I grew into a strong and tall bean.
I'll grow about two weeks after you plant me.
I am planted into a soil that I love, it is warm and rich in nutrients and well-drained the perfect soil for me. I grew and loved the sun, it made me happy.
Clicking on the blue link below will get the soil that my roots will love! Get yours on Amazon:
Here is an excellent option for potting soil Happy Frog Potting Soil.
Prefer to make your own soil? Click on the blue links to get yours on Amazon and make your own soil to help me stay healthy and strong!
For a three to a five-gallon container:
- one part compost
- one part coco coir
- one part perlite.
- six tablespoons of greensand
- six tablespoons of bone meal
- six tablespoons of blood meal
- three tablespoons of azomite
The Seedling of Bush Bean
I'm a bush bean seedling now and I'm so excited to be with you today for this very important conversation.
I can't wait to start sprouting my roots and getting my leaves up in this world. But it's just not the same when you're all by yourself, sometimes it feels like nobody really cares about me. That's why I was super duper pumped when my mommy told me that she found a pot big enough to plant some of us together in. It will be awesome!
I want to grow close to other plants of my kind.
I am so excited to have been planted. This is my first time ever doing this and I can't wait to see what happens next. The sun feels really good on me, but it also gets hot and dry in the daytime. Luckily the water here helps keep me cool, or else I might not be able to take it at all! Mommy told me that if you give a deep watering twice a week then my roots will grow down deeper into the soil and reach for more of that precious liquid. That way, when we get thirsty again in the heat of the summer months because there isn't any rain around, I'll still have plenty stored up inside of myself. It's important work being a seedling so make sure to give me lots of water and sun every day.
Here on Amazon, you can find a hose to water me just click on the blue link below.
The Bush Bean Plant
Now that you have given me everything I need this season to thrive I'm going to reward you with beans. I'll provide beans for many months to come and you can pick them from my branches that are now loaded with pods that are full of flavor!
You'll want to pick my beans once they're about four inches long but no longer than six inches if you want lots of harvests before winter arrives. If you let my pods go too long I will think that I have done my life's purpose and made seeds so you can enjoy the flavor of my little one the following season. Keep picking my pods while they are still young and you will continue to receive a bountiful harvest from me!
I love when people grow me because it gives me a sense of accomplishment- knowing that I was just one little seed and grew into this healthy bush bean plant with lots of tasty food!
Enjoy your beans!!!
Learning how to grow bush beans is a rewarding experience that requires consideration of the plant's roots, sunlight requirements, and water needs. By understanding these factors before planting bush beans, you can help your bush bean plants thrive by giving them what they need for healthy growth. Many people will choose bush beans over pole beans because bush beans typically produce more harvests than their taller counterparts. It's important to harvest bush beans on time so that the plant doesn't think it has completed its life cycle prematurely and stops producing new pods with seeds inside!
Bush beans are an easy, delicious type of bean that can be grown in even the smallest space. To harvest bush beans on time and to keep your bush bean seedlings happy and healthy, it's important to understand how they grow best. In this article, you learned about how bush beans differ from pole beans and what factors affect their growth rate. You also learned a few tips for harvesting bush beans at just the right moment while keeping them producing new pods all season long! Any comments and questions are welcome, just post in the section below or you can use the new live chat I have added to the page.
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